Integrated the drawing in a free use photography for the background as the others. A little series in the series.
I have to say that I very liked doing this, the concept is growing up.The underground parking is a good symbolic place in our society, « environment built, not for man, but for man's absence »(J.G.Ballard I.H.G) and only for their extensions (in the meaning of Dawkins « extended phenotype ») the car, which is both technological and social and still the perfect product of the human activity to represent him (with maybe now the smartphone). Exploring all theses photography of theses desolated places was a very unexpected journey, and I often didn't know really which to choose, so I make here several with different ones that I very like and that matched with the perspective (see in comments). It seems to me that these completely dehumanized places called precisely, by contrast, eroticism, body presence like the better showcase for it. I didn’t want pretty urbex pictu